Xavi Pola

Product Engineer with 10 years of experience, specializing in data products and software development with an user-centric mindset and commitment to best practices.

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About Me

Hello there! 👋 I'm Xavi, a Product Engineer with 10 years of experience crafting data products and software solutions that meet user needs while adhering to best practices.

Throughout my career, I've had the privilege of working in various startup environments, which has helped me refine my skills and gain insights into the complexities of decision-making in product development.

With a background in Physics and Journalism, I've always been drawn to exploring different fields. About eight years ago, I transitioned into software development, finding joy in providing practical solutions for my team's challenges. I believe in being adaptable and continuously learning to achieve desired results, always keeping best practices in mind and fostering a collaborative environment focused on product improvement.

My experience includes building a business intelligence solution from scratch; prototyping and deploying a recommendation algorithm, and optimizing Data Scientist workflows with MLOps.

As a Product Engineer, I'm dedicated to understanding user requirements and delivering optimal solutions. I prioritize principles such as Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and strive to craft clean and efficient code to support seamless product development.